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Tulloch Update, August 3, 2015

In consideration of the recent release of information with contradictory data about reservoir releases from New Melones, Tri-Dam and the Irrigation Districts are providing this information so that you have the most accurate and current information available.

The demands of the continuing drought and competing regulatory directives continue to challenge our entire foothill and valley regions.  Tri-Dam and both Irrigation Districts (Oakdale Irrigation District and South San Joaquin Irrigation Districts) have gone to significant water measures to hold water in storage, while District farmers have seen significant reductions in irrigation allotments along with local residents through mandated conservation programs.

Tulloch has been at normal operating levels all spring and summer, in large part due to the efforts of Tri-Dam and the Irrigation Districts.  Preliminary discussions between the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), State Water Board and National Marine Fisheries Service have identified an urgent need to implement a water management strategy to control escalating temperatures in the Stanislaus River.  Failure to address the escalating temperatures can result in potential Endangered Species Act challenges in violation of Federal Law.

Given the urgent nature of conditions along the river, the Tri-Dam Project expects that releases of water from Tulloch to meet the temperature objectives for O’Mykiss (Rainbow Trout) below Goodwin Dam are imminent.  Initially, the release of water from Tulloch will be coordinated with the BOR’s release of cold water for the low-level outlet at New Melones. Tri-Dam expects to have the complete Tulloch reservoir fall/winter schedule later this week.  Immediately upon receipt, the schedule will be posted here and sent to all waterfront property owners so that appropriate plans can be made for docks, watercraft and related facilities.

Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to cooperative manage these complex conditions.  PLEASE stay focused on this website for additional updates.

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