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Tulloch Reservoir Update for August 28, 2015

While Tri-Dam continues to await the fall/winter draw down schedule from the Bureau of Reclamation (Bureau), the Bureau has just today opened the low level outlet at New Melones. They are slowly opening the outlet to the required level. The release of water will be balanced with releases from Tulloch, while continuing to monitor temperatures downstream from Tulloch. Given the weather forecast and late opening of the low-level outlet no changes at Tulloch are expected during the coming week. There is no anticipated change in water levels at Tulloch during this time period. Given this information, Tri-Dam continues to be optimistic that daily average normal operating levels at Tulloch (506.5’ – 509.5’) could be maintained through September 7, 2015. Please continue to watch this website for the actual schedule, which will be posted here immediately upon it’s receipt from the Bureau.

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